Thursday, March 30, 2006

The house with the blue door.

It's been so gorgeous and warm I finally got to work on the front door!

I got the door painted and got the screen door put up (if you're not over here from my Mommy Blog, I detailed the two itsy bitsy misfortunes we had there.) Unfortunately I don't have a finished pic from the outside since the door was a bit sticky when I had to shut it for the night and I had to do some touch-ups to the paint this morning. I'll get that to you soon.

Meantime, here's the door drying (told you it was blue!):

Please note the authentic Victorian plastic phone cord and Cat5 data cable stretched across the wall on the right (up by the ceiling). Classy!

I have a wireless network now so that won't be there for long.

Looking at this pic I can see that the blue door does kind of clash with the green room. Hmmm. Well it won't be standing open all that much. I did intend to repaint this room a deep red - I've had the paint for ages, I hate this washed out green - but never got around to it. That would compliment the blue, don't you think?

Here's the mounted screen door (my wee assistant is there minding the screwdriver).

Isn't that a lovely view? So peaceful.


My next project (on a long list) for the house is the shelves in the library. I'll try to get some before pictures.


At 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job! Let me know when you're coming to my house to do all my fixin' up.


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